Bellevue LifeSpring community partner Northwest Sound, a Bellevue-based a capella men’s chorus

Three Community Partners – One Great Cause

Every Wednesday, the members of Northwest Sound, a Bellevue-based a capella men’s chorus, meet to practice in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church in Bellevue. When they got the idea to hold a benefit concert, they ran the idea by Reverend David Van Heyningen. “Do you have a favorite charity?” they asked him. “I … Read Now

Breaktime-Mealtime box

What’s in the Box?

Jessica is nine years old. She takes the bus to and from school because her mother works long hours. As the days get shorter and colder, Jessica is excited for the holidays but worries about what she will eat during break. She relies on the school meals she receives through the free and reduced-price lunch … Read Now

Karly’s Story

Karly is a 14-year-old Bellevue student who gets good grades and works as a peer mentor at her school. She lives with her mother, Tina, and her stepfather, John. Their family is hardworking, positive in spirit and supportive of one another. Behind the Scenes Behind the scenes, Karly and her family are facing tremendous hardships. … Read Now

Anna’s Story

Anna has lived in Bellevue for 10 years and enjoys her long-term job at a local Starbucks. Anna and her children have recently been through a devastating ordeal that changed their lives forever. Your support of Bellevue LifeSpring provided a beacon of hope for this family: About two years ago my husband was diagnosed with … Read Now